The BIG Building
Did you know The SHACK is splitting at its seams?
It’s true. Our 900-square-foot building may have that cool clubhouse vibe, but the truth is, we hardly fit in it anymore. Twelve youth inside feels squishy; 20 is truly tight. And those aren’t uncommon numbers on any given day.
In order to effectively serve Bighorn Basin youth, their families, and the community we need more space.
In 2008, The SHACK purchased a 12,000-square-foot building located close to downtown. Because we are committed to doing ministry without debt, we’ve been renovating it as funds become available and volunteer labor allows.
But, we are anxious to get inside. We only have $250,000 more to raise to fully complete renovations and be able to offer a youth center that should make this community proud.
The BIG SHACK Building will have room for middle and high school students to hang out at the same time in separate areas (because, you know, they don’t like to be squished into 900 square feet together). It will also include a snack bar, gym area for games, stage for live concerts and open mic nights, office space, storage space for gear, and more. It will be available to the community to rent, too.
Will you help us make the big building a reality?
We need volunteers to help with renovations, in-kind donations of supplies, and financial gifts to pay for skilled labor and supplies that aren’t donated. Thank you in advance for your support!